In the news...
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After a hiatus, the Montgomery County Hispanic Chamber is ready for a reboot with a familiar face as the newly appointed chairman. As the chamber turns 20 next year, Lopez hopes to build the organization into the go-to group for promoting the Hispanic business community.
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The Montgomery County Hispanic Chamber installs a new Chair and board and plans to kick off with a meet and greet event called, Una Noche con la Cámara (An Evening with the Chamber) on Wednesday, September 28.
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Miguel Lopez, the owner of Conganas LLC, was recently named as a recipient of the Nau Future Texas Legend Marine Corps Veteran Award by the Texas Business Hall of Fame. Miguel. Miguel is one of four veteran-owned businesses selected from across the state.
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In honor of the Marine Corps Birthday on November 10, 2021, Hello Woodlands interviewed local Marine Corps veteran and community member Miguel Lopez who has been selected to launch his own business, CONGANAS, in honor of the important holiday.